
Child Care

Summer Camp


Areas of Practice


Child Care

The Bayonne PAL  After-school Program provides a safe and structured environment for grades Pre-K through 8th during after school hours and school holidays. Homework help with certified teachers.  A variety of daily snacks. 

Summer Camp

The Bayonne PAL Summer Camp offers a summer of fun, friends and adventure for our campers. From activities to swimming to day trips, there is something for everyone! The camp offers breakfast, lunch and afternoon snack. All meals are freshly prepared on site. 


 Youth Basketball is designed to introduce instruct and inspire girls and boys as they develop skills and have fun playing basketball. Teamwork, self confidence and a great workout are all achieved in a safe environment where our coaching staff focuses on keeping the “fun” in “fundamentals.”



Winners never quit and quitters never win
— Vince Lombardi
Bayonne PAL Day Care Center students helped plant new flowers around the Bayonne Protector statue. Picture with the students are:  Lt. Carlos Betencourt, PO Loyad Booker, PAL President Lt. Terence Joynt, Mayor Jimmy Davis, and Anthony Vodrazka

Bayonne PAL Day Care Center students helped plant new flowers around the Bayonne Protector statue. Picture with the students are:  Lt. Carlos Betencourt, PO Loyad Booker, PAL President Lt. Terence Joynt, Mayor Jimmy Davis, and Anthony Vodrazka